45 Minute Master Course
8-10 Lessons with Study Guide
The Master Course consists of 45 minutes of content presented comprehensively across 8-10 dynamic video lessons. A PDF study guide accompanies the course and each lesson concludes with a brief interactive quiz. This format offers flexibility for personal consumption via any digital device, or as a pre-meeting engagement opportunity for large or small employee groups and executive teams.
Lunch & Learn Course
1 Lesson with Study Guide
The Lunch & Learn is an abridged 20 min version of the Master Course. This format presents key points on the subject matter, is accompanied by a downloadable study guide and is ideal for small or large group settings.
10 in 2 Campaign
10 topic videos
A series of 10 media clips - two minutes or less. This campaign reinforces good health habits and promotes retention of health messaging. The format is ideal for intra-facility communications, shared through email, looped on facility monitors, or used as a health tip during group meetings.
Custom Package Requests
Need a Course developed to meet the specific needs of your organization or some other customization? Just fill out our contact form and one of our team will be happy to schedule a call.